Analysis: Ukrainian liberation a powerful dynamic in war

Analysis: Ukrainian liberation a powerful dynamic in war


LONDON (AP) — Amid the death and destruction war leaves in its wake, there are powerful dynamics and narratives: domination, besieged populations, occupation and their counterparts, resistance, freedom and liberation.

Vast swaths of Western and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union knew this well at various points of the 20th century: Paris, Leningrad, Sarajevo. Iraq and Syria more recently in the 21st century.

In Russia's nearly nine-month war in Ukraine, the names of towns and cities like Mariupol,Bucha, Kharkiv and Kherson have been seared on the global consciousness as they witnessed the full spectrum of wartime horrors and more recently, jubilation.

Since Friday, striking scenes of unbridled joy and images from Kherson have shown troops being greeted as heroes as Ukrainian flags fly over liberated areas. As far as resounding inflection points in the war go, Russia's flight from the city of Kherson under prolonged Ukrainian assault is unmistakable.

Liberation and victory on the battlefield are also powerful incentives for allies like the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom to keep a steady flow of military aid that directly helps Ukraine's advances.

“Momentum is an important factor in war. Ukraine has it now. Kyiv and its partners must make the most of it,” the Institute for the Study of War said in an assessment.

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