As Super Bowl approaches, game-time guacamole affected by fewer avocado shipments from Mexico

As Super Bowl approaches, game-time guacamole affected by fewer avocado shipments from Mexico


As the Super Bowl approaches, there could be problems for guacamole, a favorite game-time food in America. A lack of rain and warmer temperatures has resulted in fewer avocados being shipped from Mexico. The western state of Michoacan, which supplies almost 90% of the creamy textured fruit at the heart of guacamole for the big game, has suffered a hotter, drier climate that has led to a lack of water in growing areas. Lakes are drying up: Desperate avocado growers send tanker trucks down to suck up the last water, or divert streams, to feed their thirsty orchards, sparking conflicts. The state received about half the rain it normally gets last year, and reservoirs are at about 40% of capacity.

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