Javier Milei, the hard rocker in Argentina's highest office, turns his book talk into wild show

Javier Milei, the hard rocker in Argentina's highest office, turns his book talk into wild show



A book presentation about neoclassical economic theory may not sound like a crowd-pleaser. But on Wednesday in Buenos Aires, mobs of star-struck fans packed a giant auditorium to hear their president, the libertarian economist Javier Milei, lecture on the importance of freeing capital from the control of the state. They were greeting Milei like a stadium rocker. Within moments, he became one. Milei had planned to promote his book at the Buenos Aires Book Fair. But when the left-leaning organizers gave speeches calling out Milei for defunding cultural institutions, the president canceled the event and promoted a new one, featuring a musical show, at a massive arena.

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