Bumble warns Apple privacy push could hurt business in IPO filing

Bumble warns Apple privacy push could hurt business in IPO filing



The dating app Bumble used its IPO filing on Friday to warn investors Apple's ongoing efforts to improve user privacy may hurt its bottom line in the long run.

On Friday, Bumble filed its IPO with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which reveals Bumble's plans ahead of selling stock to the public for the first time. Within the filing, which includes lists of things that could be a risk to the company's future existence, Bumble mentions Apple's Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) and changes that will make it harder to use the code for advertising to users.The IDFA is a string of characters used to refer to a specific user's iPhone, which can be used by advertisers to track a user and offer a more personalized and targeted advertising. As part of Apple's expansion of privacy protection, the company is requiring users to grant permission for an app to track them across apps and websites owned by third parties.


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