Apple Saw Largest Number of iPhone Upgraders Ever in Q1 2021

Apple Saw Largest Number of iPhone Upgraders Ever in Q1 2021


The launch of the new iPhone 12 models that have all-OLED displays, edge-to-edge designs, 5G connectivity, and significant camera improvements, drove an increase in both switchers and upgraders year over year, Apple CEO Tim Cook said during today's earnings call covering the first fiscal quarter of 2021.
Cook said that while those switching over from Android and upgraders both increased, Apple saw the largest number of upgraders that it's ever seen in a quarter. "We're very thrilled about that," said Cook.

Apple today announced that it now has more than 1 billion active iPhones worldwide, up from 900 million in 2019, and 1.65 billion total active devices.

Tag: earnings

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