iPhone 13 mmWave 5G support limited to US models

iPhone 13 mmWave 5G support limited to US models



Apple is once again limiting mmWave 5G connectivity to certain devices, with only iPhone 13 units sold in the U.S. capable of accessing the speedy network bands.

When Apple introduced 5G capabilities with iPhone 12 last year, it limited access to ultra-fast mmWave bands to handsets sold in the U.S. The tech giant was predicted to expand availability beyond its domestic market with iPhone 13, but it appears that the restriction will remain.According to a support document, highlighted by blogger Rene Ritchie, U.S. iPhone 13 models integrate baseband modems compatible with the n258, n260 and n261 bands, which operate at 26 GHz, 39 GHz and 28 GHz, respectively. Dubbed mmWave, these high-frequency bands feature wavelengths that can be measured in millimeters instead of centimeters or larger, and provide ample data transfer capability with bandwidths exceeding 3GHz.


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