Megan Ryte Accused Of Plagiarising DJ Lag



New single 'Culture' is being criticised...

New York artist *Megan Ryte* has been accused of plagiarising *DJ Lag's* 'Ice Drop'.

The Stateside artist dropped her new single 'Culture' a few days ago, but it didn't take long for fans to spot something was amiss.

The single certainly bares a resemblance to DJ Lag's 'Ice Drop', a *Goon Club Allstars release* that lit up clubs a while back.

In fact, the commonality between Megan Ryte's work and the Durban artist's release has sparked social media controversy.

Megan Ryte has yet to comment but DJ Lag played it classy, tweeting: “In our tradition respect comes first.”

“In our tradition respect comes first.”

Ice Drop is our CULTURE

— DJ LAG (@RealDJLag) November 25, 2020

Here are the releases side by side.

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