Robbie Williams Biopic Confirmed



It will be directed by Greatest Showman's Michael Gracey...

The *Robbie Williams* story will be turned into a new biopic.

Greatest Showman director Michael Gracey will steer the project, and confirmed the news in an interview with *Deadline.*

The film will tell his life story, one that the film maker calls a “superhero narrative” - in the interview, Gracey calls Robbie Williams an “everyman who just dreamed big and followed those dreams and they took him to an incredible place. Because of that, his is an incredibly relatable story. He’s not the best singer or dancer, and yet he managed to sell 80 million records worldwide.”

Coming to fame as a member of *Take That*, Robbie Williams has enjoyed colossal success as a solo artist - to date, he's won 18 BRIT Awards, more than any other artist.

Michael Gracey has co-written the film, while Robbie's hits will be re-sung for the film, matching the emotion of the moment.

There is one factor left to be revealed, the film maker continues. "As for how we represent Robbie in the film, that bit is top secret. I want to do this in a really original way. I remember going to the cinema as a kid and there were films that blew me away and made me say as I sat there in the cinema: I’ve never seen this before. I just want the audience to have that feeling."

"It’s this fantastical story, and I want to represent it in its harsh reality all the way to these moments of pure fantasy."

Find the full interview *HERE.*

The Robbie Williams biopic goes into production next year.

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