Amir reiterates Qatar''s firm position in support of Palestinians'' national rights

Amir reiterates Qatar''s firm position in support of Palestinians'' national rights


(MENAFN - The Peninsula) Doha: Amir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani held a telephone conversation with President of the State of Palestine, H E Mahmoud Abbas, yesterday evening to discuss the latest developments in Palestine. The Palestinian President briefed H H the Amir on the latest developments, in particular the Israeli occupation forces’ attacks on worshippers in the blessed Al Aqsa Mosque and the defenceless Jerusalem citizens, and the arbitrary measures in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in Jerusalem which represent a flagrant violation of their rights and the international law. The Amir affirmed to President Abbas the firm position of the State of Qatar in support of the brotherly Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights. The Palestinian President expressed thanks and appreciation to the Amir for the valuable efforts made by the State of Qatar to support the Palestinian people in their just cause.   H H the also received a phone call from Head of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Dr. Ismail Haniyeh yesterday evening. The phone call reviewed the latest developments in Palestine, especially the suffering of the Palestinian people resulting from the violations committed by the occupation forces and their attacks on worshippers in the Al Aqsa Mosque. In this regard, the Amir reiterated the firm position of the State of Qatar in support of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate rights and establish their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.MENAFN09052021000063011010ID1102051398

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