Joint communiqu� released at conclusion of fourth trilateral Jordanian-Egyptian-Iraqi summit

Joint communiqu� released at conclusion of fourth trilateral Jordanian-Egyptian-Iraqi summit


(MENAFN - Jordan News Agency) Baghdad, June 27 (Petra) -- A joint communiqu� was issued on Sunday, at the conclusion of the fourth trilateral Jordanian-Egyptian-Iraqi summit, attended by His Majesty King Abdullah, Egypt President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, and Iraq Prime Minister Mustafa Al Kadhimi in Baghdad.In the communiqu�, the three leaders stressed the need to expand cooperation among Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq in energy, industry, agriculture, transportation, food security, infrastructure, investment, construction, and housing.The joint communiqu� stressed the need to adopt the best means and measures to translate the strategic relations among the three countries into tangible impact on the ground.The leaders underlined the crucial role of the Hashemite Custodianship in safeguarding Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.President El Sisi and Prime Minister Al Kadhimi also commended Jordan's relentless efforts to stop Israeli violations and aggression in Jerusalem and in the Palestinian Territories, according to the communiqu�.In addition, the leaders stressed the need to activate efforts towards achieving just and comprehensive peace that fulfils the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.//Petra// AF27/06/2021 21:54:49MENAFN27062021000117011021ID1102351809

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