HCHF, IBE-UNESCO discuss cooperation aspects

HCHF, IBE-UNESCO discuss cooperation aspects



(MENAFN - Emirates News Agency (WAM)) ABU DHABI, 29th June, 2021 (WAM) -- Mohamed Abdelsalam, Secretary-General of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity (HCHF), and Irina Bokova, member of the HCHF and head of education action group at the Committee, met with Dr. Yao Ydo, Director of UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE-UNESCO). Yao Ydo commended the efforts made by HCHF, especially its profound interest in education as one of the most important means through which the values of human fraternity can be promoted. He added that future generations need to know about human fraternity values to be able to create a more peaceful and cohesive world, stressing the keenness of the IBE to partner with the HCHF in promoting a spirit of fraternity and tolerance through the various fields and stages of education, based on values outlined in the Document on Human Fraternity. For her part, Irina Bokova pointed out that since it was established, the HCHF pays particular attention to education and is keen to promote the principles outlined in the Document on Human Fraternity amongst all generations. She added that the Document could create a better future for the next generations, based on respecting others, appreciating diversity, and believing in the right of all to a dignified life. Abdelsalam said that the HCHF believes in the vital role education can play in fostering a culture of fraternity and peaceful coexistence. Therefore, it adopts practical programs and plans to integrate the principles enshrined in the Document on Human Fraternity into school curricula around the world, he added, noting that the meeting with the IBE discussed cooperation between the two sides, especially their joint efforts in fostering a culture of dialogue and communication between young generations.MENAFN29062021000061011009ID1102365765

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