Austria to aid Syrians with some US 9 mln

Austria to aid Syrians with some US 9 mln


(MENAFN - Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) VIENNA, June 30 (KUNA) -- Austria is allocating euro eight million (USD 9.5 million) to ease off the humanitarian crisis in Syria and aid communities that host Syrian refugees namely in Jordan and Lebanon.Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said in a statement today, on the occasion of holding a conference in Brussels grouping donors, that his nation maintained its commitment to alleviate the humanitarian hardships suffered by the Syrian people.Spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), in addition to the marathon internal war in Syria, prompted Austria to seek to aid the people in the war-stricken country, he indicated further. (end) mah.rk MENAFN30062021000071011013ID1102369347

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