Proactive approach helped deliver Boardmasters event

Proactive approach helped deliver Boardmasters event

Devon and Cornwall Police


Devon and Cornwall Police has said they are pleased with the security operation that was run in support of the Boardmasters music festival.

Around 50,000 people attended the event at Watergate Bay this year and officers worked closely with festival organisers and partner agencies with the aim of keeping people safe.

Additional officers were seen on foot patrols in the town centre and at the Watergate Bay festival site to reassure the public.

Police have revealed that during the five-day festival, 15 thefts were reported, the same as 2018 despite the rise in visitor numbers, when the last event was run.

Chief Inspector Brent Ireland from Devon and Cornwall Police said: “We work together with the event to identify and intercept drug dealers. Weproactively seek to prevent these people from being active before or during the event and have had some good results.

“We made eight arrests in connection to drugs supply offences and taking these drugs out of circulation, where they could cause harm.

“One person was arrested on suspicion of assault and has been released under investigation, pending further enquiries. Another person was arrested for assaulting an emergency worker and has been released on police bail, pending further enquiries.

“Under 50 offences were reported to police during Boardmasters, with theft offences being the largest group.”

Chief Inspector Ireland added: “Sadly at festivals of this size, there are always some opportunistic thieves but this year, the number of thefts has been relatively low.

“As with any large gathering of this nature, there have been reported crimes and therefore victims who have had their experience ruined by the actions of others not respecting them or those around them.

“With each of these crimes we will investigate and try to bring those responsible to justice. It is disappointing some people have had their Boardmasters experience spoilt by the actions of this minority.

“Overall, we were pleased with the security operation we contributed our part to, and the proactive and preventative measures adopted by the organisers and ourselves. We continue to adapt and innovate to keep events of this nature secure.

“We have had a positive working relationship operating between event organisers, blue light services and partner agencies, which have combined to deliver a safe event.”

He also said: “We have been pleased to play our part in the safe delivery of a large-scale event in Cornwall, following the extended period of Covid lockdown and again shown our abilities in working with the communities that we police.”

--- Note to readers: This message has been disseminated by Devon and Cornwall Police - please visit their official website for further information.

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