myWorld Asia opens new headquarters in Kuala Lumpur

myWorld Asia opens new headquarters in Kuala Lumpur



Tuesday 4 July, 2023
London - myWorld Asia, the Asian operator of one of the world's largest
benefit programmes, opened its new headquarters in Kuala Lumpur as part
of its expansion strategy in Asia. From now on, the new office will
serve as the hub of operations in Malaysia and far beyond, enabling
closer collaboration with local shoppers and merchants. Around 50
million Malaysian ringgit will be invested in the first step.
The opening of myWorld Asia's headquarters in the Maxis Tower in
downtown Kuala Lumpur marks a significant milestone in myWorld's
expansion in Asia. Around 50 million Malaysian ringgit, equivalent to
around 8.5 million pounds, will initially be invested in setting up
operations in Malaysia over the next three years. The aim of myWorld is
to benefit from the great potential of the Asian market so that even
more shoppers, merchants and service providers in Malaysia and far
beyond can profit from the myWorld Benefit Program, which has shown to
be an important financial support for families in times of crisis and
inflation. Malaysia is the ideal starting point for the expansion of
myWorld business in Asia, due to its diversity of languages and the
persistent rise of digital payments, online shopping and e-commerce
Hubert Freidl, founder and owner of the myWorld group of companies, is
enthusiastic about the opening: "Our vision is to create benefits for
all of our customers all over the world, where everybody can profit from
their daily expenses such as gas and food by giving them back money via
Cashback. This additional income helps the families in times like these
and creates more purchase power, which helps the local economy. Our new
headquarters in Kuala Lumpur will help us to make this vision come true
in Asia.”
Former Deputy Finance Minister of Malaysia, Yg Bhg. Datuk Ir Donald Lim
Siang Chai, also welcomes myWorld's expansion in Asia, saying, "I would
like to thank myWorld for choosing Malaysia as their new regional
headquarters. Asia and Europe have a long history together and know what
successful cooperation looks like. We hope to set a good example for all
those companies that are also considering a location in the Asian
region. Malaysia offers ideal conditions, such as multilingualism, which
is very useful when working with other Asian countries. Another clear
advantage is the proximity to countries such as China and India."
Sharif Omar, co-owner of the myWorld group of companies, says, “From our
point of view, Malaysia's strength as a business location is completely
underestimated. There are so many different people there who are top
educated, live in peace and speak so many different languages. We are
delighted to have chosen Kuala Lumpur to leverage these advantages for
us and our customers and partners, and to build a bridge from Europe to
Asia. Our goal for the next few years is to fight global inflation with
our transparent loyalty program, we want to help people save money and
give them benefits – also by providing state-of-the-art technology to
our partners and creating new jobs for the region."
About myWorld International AG
myWorld International AG is the Austrian-based operator of the worldwide
myWorld Benefit Program, which offers a wealth of attractive benefits
for shoppers as well as retailers and service providers. Shoppers can
enjoy Cashback and Shopping Points every time they shop with myWorld
partners – regardless of whether they shop online or in-store. Partners,
in turn, benefit from efficient customer loyalty programmes that help
them increase their brand awareness and sales. More than 15 million
customers and 150,000 partners in 56 markets already use the myWorld
Benefit Program. Read more at 

Klaus Piber
Communications Manager mediaWorld agency GmbHTel.: +43 (0)664 80 886 645
Email: klaus.piber@mediaworld.comDistributed by

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