Mommy Makeovers After Pregnancy: Regain Your Best Pre-Baby

Mommy Makeovers After Pregnancy: Regain Your Best Pre-Baby



*ORANGE COUNTY, CA / ACCESSWIRE / October 30, 2023 / *Numerous mothers report unwanted changes in their bodies after giving birth. The "Mommy Makeover" is a combination of plastic surgery treatments designed to restore a moms pre-pregnancy appearance. This transformative cosmetic process aims to rejuvenate their former shape and contours. It's a fresh start to help moms get back to how they looked before the baby, regaining lost confidence in themselves. More and more moms are having mommy makeovers to feel good and look great once again.

A Mommy Makeover is the perfect cosmetic surgery to recover your pre-baby body. Image Credit: Olegdudko / 123RF.

"Pregnancy can really change a woman's body. Don't just accept the post-pregnancy changes if they bother you! Procedures such as tummy tucks, breast lifts, breast augmentations and liposuction allow the breast and abdomen to be reshaped, so mothers can look and feel their best again and get their pre-pregnancy body back with a mommy makeover," *said Dr. Brandon Richland, MD.*

*Dr. Richland is a respected Board-Certified Licensed **Plastic Surgeon in Orange County** / Southern California* that specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. He is dedicated to helping both women and men look and feel their absolute best.

*What is a Mommy Makeover?*

A mommy makeover is a collection of surgical procedures intended to help new mothers regain their pre-baby body by addressing changes incurred during pregnancy. This term encompasses multiple types of surgeries or cosmetic treatments, such as breast augmentation / lift, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction or circumferential abdominoplasty.

These are designed to address excess skin due to childbearing, saggy breasts caused by breastfeeding and other physical changes that occur during pregnancy. The goal of a mommy makeover is to restore the woman's body to its best pre-pregnancy shape, boosting self confidence along the way using customized surgical techniques.

It's important for women considering a mommy makeover procedure to discuss their goals with experienced and board certified plastic surgeons in order to ensure safety.

*Possible Procedures in a Mommy Makeover*

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of customized procedures that address various changes in a woman's body resulting from pregnancy and breastfeeding, such as breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, circumferential abdominoplasty, liposuction and more.

By reshaping these areas of the body (breasts, abdomen, hips, etc.) women can reclaim their look before children came along without ever sacrificing the joys motherhood brings. Every woman has different needs which should be discussed with a qualified surgeon prior to making any decisions on getting surgery done; every individual will need a customized treatment plan depending on their individual goals in order to achieve optimal results.

*Breast Augmentation*

Breast augmentation is a popular procedure included in mommy makeovers. It consists of using breast implants to enlarge the breasts and create more symmetrical contours after pregnancy and breastfeeding has altered their previous shape or size.

The goal of the surgery is usually to achieve fuller, younger-looking breasts through insertion of silicone or saline implants tailored to each individual's needs. Breast augmentation can also reduce stretch marks remaining on the skin from pregnancy, improve asymmetry between both breasts, and improve sagging due to weight gain during pregnancy.

Complications associated with this surgical procedure are generally rare but include bleeding, infection, poor healing of incisions, hematoma (collection of blood under the skin), seroma (a collection of fluid under the skin), and loss or change in nipple sensation. A great plastic surgeon will dramatically minimize any scarring that may occur.

*Breast Lift*

A breast lift is a procedure commonly used in mommy makeovers that can help address sagging and volume loss after pregnancy and breastfeeding. During the surgery, excess skin is removed from the breasts while simultaneously lifting them to create a more youthful and perky look.

In some cases, it can be beneficial to combine a breast lift with implants or fat grafting in order to enhance fullness or cleavage for an even better result. This combination not only lifts the breasts but also increases their size or adds additional contouring depending on each patient's needs and desires.

That being said, many women choose just a breast lift if they are comfortable with their previous size as well as any scarring involved in the procedure. A board certified plastic surgeon plays an important role when considering Mommy Makeover procedures such as a breast lift, they will explain all elements of your personalized treatment plan by helping you understand surgical techniques which work best for your aesthetic goals while ensuring your safety throughout every stage of post-pregnancy recovery time.

*Breast Reduction*

Breast reduction is a possible procedure included in mommy makeover surgery. This procedure can help women achieve smaller, more proportionate breasts by removing excess skin, fat, and tissue from the breasts.

In particular, this type of surgery can be helpful for women after pregnancy who experience changes in breast size along with sagging or lost volume. A qualified cosmetic surgeon will work with patients to customize their surgery based on individual needs and goals.

Factors like weight loss history, breastfeeding habits, current health condition will also have to be taken into account when determining what specific techniques should be used during the operation itself such as liposuction or surgical excision of excessive tissues from the breasts area depending on how much the patient wants the sizes of her breasts.

*Tummy Tuck*
A tummy tuck is one of the most popular procedures included in a mommy makeover. It helps to tighten and reshape the stomach area, removing sagging or stretch-marked skin and abdominal muscles that may have been stretched during pregnancy.

During a tummy tuck surgery, excess fat will be removed from the abdomen while lax tissues are tightened through liposuction and/or surgical techniques. This procedure can also help to improve posture by reducing stress on back muscles used in times of extra weight gain during childbirth.

After healing, many women find they look better in their clothes, feel more confident about themselves as a result of their new shape, and enjoy physical activities such as running with newfound freedom due to improved muscle strength and tightness in the midsection.

The recovery period after a mommy makeover is important as it allows for maximum benefit from this procedure. Pain, swelling, bruising or discomfort are all common concerns patients experience during recovery but can be managed with medication prescribed by your plastic surgeon along with proper care at home.


Liposuction is an effective procedure to remove stubborn fat deposits from areas of the body that have not responded to diet and exercise. As part of a mommy makeover, it can help women regain their pre-baby bodies by targeting fat in common problem spots such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, or arms.

This minimally invasive technique typically involves making small incisions in specific areas and using suction or a cannula (small tube) to extract the excess fat. Though liposuction's results often appear very quickly after surgery, many patients still report seeing smoother contours weeks later due to swelling reduction.

Because liposuction addresses multiple areas at once, and with little downtime required, this surgical procedure allows mothers to achieve quicker improvements compared with other treatments that only target one area of the body at a time.

*The Personalized Aspect of a Mommy Makeover*

A Mommy Makeover is a highly customized set of cosmetic surgery procedures, tailored according to an individual's needs. This allows them to restore or enhance their body according to their desired results. The before and after transformations can be stunning.

*Customized Procedures Based On Individual Needs*

Mommy makeover procedures are tailored to the individual needs of each woman who has had a child, allowing her to address any specific concerns or goals she might have. A mommy makeover can be customized to include different surgical and cosmetic treatments.

The combination of these procedures allows for a more personalized approach to achieving desired outcomes. It is important for individuals considering a mommy makeover procedure to discuss their expectations with an experienced surgeon so that they can create the perfect plan for them.

*Importance of Discussing Goals With Surgeon*

Before undergoing a mommy makeover procedure, it is essential that women who have had a child discuss their goals with their surgeon. Having an open and honest discussion about what type of results they hope to achieve from the surgery allows the surgeon to tailor the procedure based on individual consultation, needs and preferences.

By talking openly with your doctor regarding your body shape expectations, you help create an environment for success in achieving desired outcomes while minimizing potential complications or revisions post-surgery.

Moreover, communicating clearly can also ensure safety since some procedures may not be suitable for certain patients due to age or health conditions that could increase risks during recovery time.

Clearly articulating surgical objectives can help reduce any misunderstandings between patient and provider prior to beginning any procedure; this way all parties are aware of realistic objectives which will always lead to better treatment planning decisions.

A consultation with a licensed and board-certified plastic surgeon is very important before any procedure. Image Credit: LightFieldStudios / 123RF.

*Benefits of Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery*

Mommy makeover surgery can help restore appearance, boost self-confidence and address common physical changes due to childbirth.

*Restoring Appearance After Childbirth*

A mommy makeover is a combination of targeted surgical procedures designed to help moms regain their pre-pregnancy body shape and improve their overall appearance. Common procedures involved in a typical mommy makeover include breast augmentation or lift, tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, and liposuction.

These treatments are tailored to address specific post-pregnancy physical changes - for example, excess skin and fat in the breasts, abdomen, hips, arms and thighs can be altered by combining two or more cosmetic surgery techniques as necessary.

At the same time circumferential abdominoplasty may be recommended to restore stretched abdominal muscles caused by pregnancy while also improving loose skin after weight loss/gaining during these periods too.

Women who undergo a mommy makeover often report feeling greater self-confidence due to improved contours and shape that enhance her sense of femininity.

*Boosting Self-Confidence*

A mommy makeover can serve as an invaluable tool to boost a woman's self-confidence after pregnancy and childbirth. Women experience many physical changes postpartum, with fluctuations in body shape and weight, stretch marks, sagging of the breasts or abdomen due to stretched abdominal muscles, excess skin that does not bounce back following dieting or exercise, stubborn fat deposits that do not go away with diet and exercise alone, all of which play a significant role in lowering a woman's self-esteem.

A mommy makeover helps mothers regain their pre pregnancy shape through surgery tailored to their individual needs such as breast augmentation or lift, tummy tuck procedure, liposuction etc., restoring confidence in how they look while also contouring multiple areas such as the lower abdomen/waist area for desirable results.

Improved feelings of control may also be experienced through the mommy makeover process due to being able to actively decide on surgical techniques and procedures based upon desired goals.

*Addressing Common Physical Changes*

After childbirth, many women experience dramatic changes in their bodies. Common physical issues that result from pregnancy include loose skin on the abdominal area, sagging breasts, stretched or separated abdominal muscles (also known as diastasis recti) and uneven fat distribution due to weight gain or loss.

A mommy makeover is a surgical procedure that can address these common post-pregnancy body changes by combining several distinct cosmetic surgery procedures performed during one operation.

For example, breast augmentation and breast lift are a popular combo to restore lost volume or reshape sagging breasts after breastfeeding. Other combinations might include tummy tuck plus liposuction for excess fat deposits around the midsection, along with various other body contouring surgeries depending on each individual's needs.

*Choosing a Qualified Cosmetic Surgeon*

It is essential to choose a board certified plastic surgeon for your Mommy Makeover procedure in order to ensure patient safety and achieve the desired results.

Experienced surgeons are the best option for achieving safe results. Image Credit: Gorodenkoff / 123RF.

*Importance of Board Certification*

When considering a mommy makeover, it is important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon. To achieve this certification, extensive training and successful completion of rigorous examinations are required, indicating the dedication and expertise of the surgeon in cosmetic surgery.

Board-certified surgeons have fulfilled all requirements for their license to practice, ensuring that patients receive safe and effective treatments with optimal results.

Importantly, women who have already had a child will be able to benefit from choosing a board certified plastic surgeon as they are best placed to understand any aesthetic changes caused by childbirth/pregnancy.

Each patient's personalized needs can be discussed during an initial consultation so that custom tailored treatments can be designed depending on individual needs and goals.

*Ensuring Patient Safety*

When considering a mommy makeover, the most important factor to look for is ensuring that patient safety is a top priority. Mommy makeovers have become increasingly popular in the last decade, yet it's important for women to be aware of potential risks and complications associated with any surgical procedure.

Potential risks include bleeding, infection, loss of nipple sensation, adverse reactions to anesthesia, nerve damage or scarring. It is essential to choose professional board certified plastic surgeons who prioritize patient safety when performing mommy makeover procedures such as breast augmentation/reduction/lifts or tummy tucks.

Consultation prior to surgery to determine the best treatments are crucial and should be done with caution and complete understanding on part of both surgeon and patient given anesthetic risk factors including age, medical background etc. Paying careful attention during preoperative consultations can minimize any issues that may arise from not having enough accurate information related to specific health needs or medications taken before the operation takes place.

*A Mommy Makeover is the Solution to Get Back Your Desired Look After Pregnancy*

Mommy makeovers are a great option for mothers wanting to restore their pre-baby shape and look. This combination of surgical procedures can help women address many of the physical changes associated with pregnancy and childbirth, including sagging breasts, loose skin around the midsection, and stubborn fat deposits in multiple areas.

While it is possible to regain your pre-baby body after giving birth through diet and exercise alone, a mommy makeover enables patients to achieve impressive results that may be more difficult to attain without surgery.

Choosing board certified plastic surgeons who understand individual needs is key for achieving the best outcomes from this type of procedure. Potential costs involved together with other lifestyle adjustments after undergoing certain treatments have also to be looked at thoroughly before deciding on whether or not going ahead with any particular maternal body contouring treatment plan suits every woman's necessities best.

Experienced plastic surgeons like Dr. Brandon Richland, MD (pictured above) are the best option for achieving safe cosmetic surgery results. Image Credit:

*About Dr. Brandon Richland, MD:*

Dr. Brandon Richland, MD is a respected Board Certified Licensed Plastic Surgeon in Orange County / Southern California specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. Driven by his passion for medicine, Dr. Richland obtained his Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree from the prestigious program at Saint Louis University (SLU) School of Medicine in 2013. His exceptional skills were recognized when he received the McGraw Hill / Lange Medical Student Academic Achievement Award, and graduated top of his class with Honors. For his undergraduate degree, he attended University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and graduated with Honors in 2009.

To further enhance his surgical expertise, Dr. Richland completed his Residency in Plastic Surgery at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) from 2013 to 2019 earning the Academic Achievement Award twice during this period. A total of 14 years in dedicated schooling and medical residency. Dr. Richland is actively involved with healthcare and medical societies, as a Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery, a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, and the California Society of Plastic Surgeons.

*Located in one of these Orange County (OC) / Southern California cities?*

Aliso Viejo, Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Coto de Caza, Cypress, Dana Point, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Irvine, La Habra, La Palma, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Ladera Ranch, Lake Forest, Los Alamitos, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Orange, Placentia, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Seal Beach, Stanton, Tustin, Villa Park, Westminster, or Yorba Linda?

*Plastic Surgeon Dr. Brandon Richland, MD and his Cosmetic Aesthetics Team are ready to help you look and feel your absolute best. Elevate your confidence and self esteem levels to unfathomable new heights. A warm and engaging Team of carefully selected Aesthetics Professionals will make you feel calm, cool, collected, and right at home throughout your entire consultation and surgery process.*

Schedule your in-person consultation in our modern and luxurious offices in either Fountain Valley, CA (Main HQ) or our Newport Beach, CA office. *Live outside of Southern California or short on time? For your convenience, Virtual Consultations are also available.*

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Summer Mariorenzi
Media Relations

*For Your Personalized First-Class Cosmetic and Aesthetics Experience, Schedule Your In-Person or Virtual Consultation:*

Medical Disclaimer: The information shared is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Every individual and patient is different. Before considering any treatments or surgical procedures, be sure to consult with an experienced licensed healthcare provider to discuss the appropriateness and safety of any procedures or treatments based on your individual health and medical history.

*SOURCE:* Dr. Brandon Richland, MD
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