1 bishop, 35 religious communities endorse 'A Catholic Call for LGBTQ Non-Discrimination' (New Ways Ministry)

1 bishop, 35 religious communities endorse 'A Catholic Call for LGBTQ Non-Discrimination' (New Ways Ministry)

Catholic Culture


A decade after the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops reaffirmed that New Ways Ministry dissents from Catholic teaching on homosexuality and is not a Catholic organization, the group has issued “A Home for All: A Catholic Call for LGBTQ Non-Discrimination.”

The group said that “26 US Catholic bishops who have been supportive of LGBTQ people were invited to endorse the statement. Only Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton, a retired auxiliary bishop from the Archdiocese of Detroit, did so.”

Nearly three dozen women’s religious institutes signed the statement, as did five of the last six presidents of the Catholic Theological Society of America and the newest member of the US bishops’ National Review Board.

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