Renewed papal appeal for Easter truce, prayer for peace (Vatican Press Office)

Renewed papal appeal for Easter truce, prayer for peace (Vatican Press Office)

Catholic Culture


On April 24—the Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)—Pope Francis delivered a Regina Caeli address in which he reflected on the Gospel of the day (John 20:19-31) and renewed his appeal for an Easter truce.

“Today various Eastern Churches, Catholic and Orthodox, and several Latin communities, celebrate Easter according to the Julian calendar,” he said. “It is sad that in these days, which are the holiest and most solemn for all Christians, the deadly roar of weapons is heard rather than the sound of bells announcing the Resurrection; and it is sad that weapons are increasingly taking the place of words.”

“I renew my appeal for an Easter truce, a minimal and tangible sign of a desire for peace,” the Pope continued. “The attack must be stopped, to respond to the suffering of the exhausted population; it must stop, in obedience to the words of the Risen Lord, who on Easter Day repeats to his disciples: ‘Peace be with you!’ (Lk 24:36; Jn 20:19-21).”

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