Syrian Church leaders: drop economic sanctions after earthquake (Fides)

Syrian Church leaders: drop economic sanctions after earthquake (Fides)

Catholic Culture


In the wake of the earthquake that has devastated their country, the Christian leaders of Syria have pleaded for an end to economic sanctions on the country.

In a message to the UN, Church leaders said that the sanctions imposed by the West in 2021 have caused hardships for the Syrian people, who are already suffering from the effects of war, and now the damage done by the earthquake. The sanctions have not had the desired influence on the government of President Bashar al Asad.

The Church leaders “call upon people of conscience around the world to raise their voices to demand an end to the suffering of the Syrian people,” the message says, insisting that a continuation of the sanction is “unjust.”

The message is signed by the Syrian Orthodox Patriarch Ignatius Ephrem II, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Yohanna X, and the Melkite Catholic Patriarch Youssef I Absi, along with other leaders of Christian communities in Syria.

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