Vatican newspaper draws attention to Libya's enslavement of migrants (L'Osservatore Romano (Italian))

Vatican newspaper draws attention to Libya's enslavement of migrants (L'Osservatore Romano (Italian))

Catholic Culture


A UN investigation into the enslavement of migrants in Libya was the subject of the most prominent front-page article in the March 28 edition of the Vatican newspaper.

L’Osservatore Romano recalled that Pope Francis, “speaking of the suffering experienced by those fleeing wars, instability, the disastrous consequences of climate change [and] trying to reach Europe, did not hesitate” to describe Libyan detention centers as “lagers” (concentration camps).

Recalling comments made by the Pope in 2021, the newspaper characterized potential International Criminal Court proceedings as “another chapter of the common commitment against that ‘brutality of migration’ that the Pontiff hopes will give way to a love capable of making [us] ‘free.’”

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