Let us return to the 'Galilee of first love,' Pope Francis preaches at Easter Vigil Mass (Vatican Press Office)

Let us return to the 'Galilee of first love,' Pope Francis preaches at Easter Vigil Mass (Vatican Press Office)

Catholic Culture


Pope Francis presided at the Easter Vigil Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on the night of Holy Saturday.

“Dear brothers and sisters, let us follow Jesus to Galilee, encounter him, and worship him there, where he is waiting for each of us,” the Pope preached in his homily. “Let us revive the beauty of that moment when we realized that he is alive and we made him the Lord of our lives.”

“Let us return to Galilee, to the Galilee of first love. Let each of us return to his or her own Galilee, to the place where we first encountered him. Let us rise to new life!”

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