Boston archdiocese plans quiet 'intense prayer' in response to Satanist convention (CNA)

Boston archdiocese plans quiet 'intense prayer' in response to Satanist convention (CNA)

Catholic Culture


The Archdiocese of Boston has called for “intense prayer,” and in particular Eucharistic adoration, in response to a Satanist convention in the city.

The “SatanCon” event, sponsored by the Satanic Temple, is scheduled for April 28 to 30 at the Boston Marriott Hotel at Copley Place. The archdiocese has discouraged public demonstrations against the event, instead calling for “a response balanced and focused on prayer.”

(The CNA news story errs in reporting that the Satanic Temple held a “Black Mass” at Harvard in 2014; that blasphemous event, despite intense advance publicity, did not take place. For a more detailed look at the grassroots response that thwarted the Satanic Temple’s plans in that case, see Phil Lawler’s recollections here.)

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