Failing KB4586781 update installations are causing 0x8007000d errors and more for Windows 10 users

Failing KB4586781 update installations are causing 0x8007000d errors and more for Windows 10 users



The latest update for Windows 10 that is proving to be problematic for people is the recently released KB4586781. While not causing quite as many issues as other updates, it is still causing plenty of problems. KB4586781 is a cumulative update for people running Windows 10 May 2020 Update and Windows 10 October 2020 Update. Among the issues being reported by users are error codes 0x8007000d and 0x800f0831. See also: Microsoft releases patch for Windows zero-day flaw found by Google Microsoft is going to forcibly upgrade systems running old versions of Windows 10 Microsoft may have dropped Office 2010 but… [Continue Reading]

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