This 2-pack of solar outdoor LED lights provides up to 1,600-lumens at $13.50 each

This 2-pack of solar outdoor LED lights provides up to 1,600-lumens at $13.50 each



JESLED US Direct (98% positive lifetime feedback) via Amazon is offering a 2-pack of its 800-lumen Outdoor Solar-powered LED Flood Lights for *$27.39 shipped* when you clip the on-page coupon. This is down 15% from its normal going rate and is among the best pricing that we’ve tracked. Each light here can output 800-lumens, giving a total of 1,600-lumens of brightness for your patio or backyard. We mention both because these lights are also solar-powered, meaning you won’t have to run electrical wiring to them. This allows you to place them anywhere in your yard that you want, allowing you to put illumination exactly where it needs to go. Rated 4.6/5 stars.


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