Pad & Quill’s iPhone 12 Luxury Pocket Book Cases now 30% off with deals from $79.50

Pad & Quill’s iPhone 12 Luxury Pocket Book Cases now 30% off with deals from $79.50



Pad & Quill is now offering its Luxury Pocket Book Case for iPhone 12, Pro, and Pro Max at *$93.45 shipped*. However, apply code *PQ15* at checkout will knock that total down even lower to *$79.43 shipped*. Regularly $110, that’s just shy of 30% off the going rate and among the lowest totals we have tracked all year. If you’re looking for a gorgeous, handcrafted wallet-style case for your iPhone 12 device, this deal is certainly worth a closer look. Head below for more details on the Pad & Quill iPhone 12 Luxury Pocket Book Case. 


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