Microsoft Office Preview for iOS Updated with Lots of New Features



Microsoft has released a new testing build of Microsoft Office to iOS insiders, and this time, the changelog includes plenty of additions. First and foremost, there’s a new AutoSave status indicator in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and its purpose is as straightforward as it could be. This indicator lets you know when the latest changes have been saved, so you can see if the file is secure by simply looking for this icon. Then, Microsoft has introduced support for accessing PDFs offline in Office Mobile. “You can’t always count on having an online connection to access your information. Now you can download your PDFs in Office Mobile, allowing you to access them when you’re offline. To download the online PDF file to your device, just tap the Cloud icon (to the left of the triple-dot menu indicator),” the company explains. Still in preview stage As far as Excel is concerned, the latest version of Office for iOS insiders includes an optional to qui...

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