Better Late Than Never: Google Drive Getting Keyboard Support



If you’re a power user, you certainly agree that keyboard shortcuts are an essential part of your working experience no matter if you use a Mac or a PC. Keyboard shortcuts make everything so much faster, and in many ways, they have become a feature that millions of users out there simply can’t live without. But in the case of Google Drive users, those who have until now relied exclusively on the web version actually had no other option than to do it. In other words, Google Drive Web lacked keyboard shortcuts, so users had to rely on mouse input to work with their files. But enough is enough, as Google has recently announced that Google Drive Web is getting support for keyboard shortcuts. “You can now use familiar keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C (or ⌘ + C on Mac), Ctrl + X and Ctrl + V to copy, cut and paste Google Drive files in your Chrome browser. This saves you time by allowing you to copy one or more files and move them to new locations in Drive, and across multi...

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