NVIDIA Makes Available RTX/Quadro Graphics Driver 528.02 - Download Now



NVIDIA has announced the availability of its new 528.02 RTX/Quadro graphics driver that implements the latest performance improvements and enhancements, and includes support for the latest addition to NVIDIA’s RTX professional GPU family: the NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation GPU. In terms of changes, the present update fixes Dassault 3DEXPERIENCE issues such as memory errors with bindless, crashes during context destruction of a sparse texture ODT, and OGL_HOSTCOPY_CONTROL_TEXTURE_LAZY_ALLOC removing host copy and causing corruption. Moreover, Production Branch R525 U3 includes all changes and benefits of the NVIDIA STUDIO Graphics Driver 528.02, and is designed for enterprise customers and professional users who require application and hardware certification, as well as the latest enhancements and securit...

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