Microsoft Edge “Phoenix” Is the Big Transformation of the Windows Browser



Microsoft has already rebooted its browser efforts with the demise of the classic Edge version and the introduction of a Chromium-powered version, but now the company is apparently planning to overhaul the project once again. A new effort called Phoenix envisions what looks to be an attempt to integrate Microsoft Edge more deeply into the Windows experience. Twitter user WalkingCat, who has a solid track on Windows scoops, says Phoenix was born as an imaginary version of Edge, whose purpose was to collect feedback from company employees and eventually pave the way for a massive overhaul of the browser. As part of this project, Microsoft was experimenting with several new ideas, including the split-screen feature that was spotted recently and which allows users to load two websites side by side. WalkingCat says this was the most liked feature of the project, so it’s no surprise that it’s now maki...

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