The Sundew Review (PC)



The Sundew tells the story of Anna Isobe, a cybernetically enhanced cop who tackles life with sarcasm and a little bit of pessimism. Set in a dystopian world where even cyborgs are a thing of the past, the best compliment I can make to The Sundew is if Blade Runner and Johnny Mnemonic had a child, then this would most certainly qualify. Unfortunately, that’s where my compliments stop because The Sundew is trying to do a lot of things and fails to excel at anything. The first few scenes of the game feel like the beginning of a Blade Runner movie, as our protagonist is trying to quell a headache. The music goes very well with the scenery, but there’s little to no voice acting in The Sundew. The Sundew does a great job at building the futuristic world in which Anna Isobe lives in the beginning, but things becomes very shallow as the story progresses. Developed by a single person, The Sundew is a bit all over the place: visuals, puzzles, story, world building, writing ...

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