Elevate your Apple setup with Twelve South’s Curve Riser M1 iMac/Studio Display stand at $61

Elevate your Apple setup with Twelve South’s Curve Riser M1 iMac/Studio Display stand at $61



Amazon is offering the Twelve South Curve Riser Monitor Stand for $60.79 shipped. Normally $80 at Amazon, today’s deal comes in at the second-best price that we’ve seen in well over a year. In fact, the only two times it’s gone for less was a drop over Black Friday and then New Years to $52. Whether you have an M1 iMac or Studio Display, you’ll find that the Curve Riser is a great way to elevate your monitor with relative ease. There’s space on the top for your iMac or monitor and underneath there’s a dual-layer design. With one built-in shelf, you’ll have two layers to keep things stored on. This allows you to have something like an external hard drive or SSD on one shelf and a Thunderbolt dock on the desk, or even store things like SD cards and more to ensure your desk stays nice and clean. And, to top it all off, Twelve South built the Curve Riser out of aluminum to compliment the premium design of the rest of your Apple-focused setup. Keep reading for more.


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