Rising Lords Review (PC)

Rising Lords Review (PC)



The peasants aren’t having the best year. A harsh winter spawned a wolf event after killing half of our sheep and cattle. One of them died driving the pack off but that was a necessary sacrifice that ensured the rest have a future. I had to reduce food to half-rations, which made them unhappy, but this is the only way we can be sure to reach our next harvest. I could ship some food from another province but that costs money that I really do not want to spend. The funds from taxation are better invested in province development, which will include a bathhouse complex as soon as I have all the resources needed. It will take time to build but it will also keep everyone, including armies I plan to raise, healthy and in good spirits. So far, the other lords haven’t made trouble. I did suffer some losses, mainly spearmen and peasants when I decided to expand into neutral provinces to extract more resources and wealth. Our realm can now support bigger forces but the pressu...

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