Stargate: Timekeepers Review (PC)

Stargate: Timekeepers Review (PC)



The convoy must get through to the rebels, loaded with important but unspecified supplies. But Jaffa loyalist sentinels are watching the road. Thankfully, there are only two of them, with the rest of the enemy camp apparently unable to spot the difference between their own carts and those used by their enemies. Earth’s forces can easily take advantage of their dimness and bad organization. Eva McCain, a seasoned soldier, is accompanied by A’ta, a Jaffa rebel, and their skills are highly complementary. The pair can blind groups of opponents before snatching one or two, zip-tying them, and then depositing them in the bushes. They can also distract enemies, draw them in, and then non-lethally eliminate them. Eva’s machine gun and A’ta’s staff can also kill if they are caught by a bigger force and there’s no other option. Of course, this being a video game, there’s always a quick save to fall back on if anything truly bad happens. Half the fun is in trying out differen...

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