Did Indian groom die of coronavirus two days after the wedding he wanted to delay?

Did Indian groom die of coronavirus two days after the wedding he wanted to delay?

National Post


A man passed away two days after his wedding but wasn’t tested for COVID-19 before cremation.

A groom from India’s northeastern city Patna in the state of Bihar, died on June 17, two days after his wedding. He had a high fever, a symptom of the deadly coronavirus, before the ceremony and asked his family to postpone the wedding. His request was dismissed.

The incident has set off what is being termed as ‘Bihar district’s worst coronavirus spike.’ After the death, more than 100 people have tested positive and of the 19 relatives who attended the ceremony, 15 are among them. 

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According to a district official, Surendra Kumar, relatives who attended the wedding and were asymptomatic afterwards caused the virus to spread. Patients who tested positive include some who were not present on the wedding day but had some form of physical contact with the family, CNN reported. 

The groom reached Patna from another city, Gurugram in late May for his wedding. Shortly after his arrival, he showed symptoms of coronavirus and was taken to a doctor. However, the doctor neither tested him for the virus nor flagged his condition to the district authorities.  

On June 17, he was rushed to the hospital as his condition worsened but he was pronounced dead en route. 

According to a statement issued by officials, “the body was cremated in a huff, without the authorities being informed. But somebody telephoned the district magistrate and narrated the whole episode. All close relatives of the deceased, who attended the ceremony, were tested on June 19. Of them, 15 tested positive,” Outlook India reported. 

The increase in coronavirus cases has caused panic as Patna is the worst-hit city of the district with almost 700 confirmed cases and five casualties, Outlook India added. 

India is among the five adversely affected countries in the world, with more than 600,000 coronavirus cases. 

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