Italy and Covid management

Italy and Covid management



An interesting translation... A few voices raise both doubts about how the government is managing the coronavirus epidemic and criticisms about the opportunism of the Italian people A brief but necessary introduction: Franco Marino is an Italian blogger who writes on the blog "il Detonatore" [1] together with two of his friends (Matteo Fais and Davide Cavaliere). These three are not the source of absolute truth, of course, no one has this role in the world and it would be wrong to think of them in such way. They are, however, among the few voices that at this moment raise both doubts about how the government in office is managing the coronavirus epidemic and criticisms about the atavistic opportunism of the Italian people. A people that from time immemorial delegates a large part of its existence to whatever power is in office. Until it is too late, the damage is huge and the only satisfaction on the horizon is hanging the dictator by the feet, after killed him, or throwing coins at the corrupt politician, ended up in the stocks from the initial Olympus of power he had enjoyed until shortly before his disastrous fall.

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