Ukraine's Zelensky responds to Putin's article with 'stream of lies'

Ukraine's Zelensky responds to Putin's article with 'stream of lies'



Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has kept his promise and released a response to Putin's op-ed about the unity between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. Zelensky did not write an article of his own, but recorded a video message. In his video address, Zelensky spoke about the Day of the Baptism of Rus. In his speech, which was timed to the date, he called Kievan Rus the mother of Ukrainian history, and 24 regions of Ukraine and Crimea — its children and heirs. In his opinion, such a position does not need any substantiation. "We do not need to prove this with historical treatises, works or articles. Our evidence is not on paper - it is in metal and in rocks. It is not in myths and legends, but in our cities and on our streets,” Zelensky said.

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