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Monday, June 17, 2024

Timber advocates search for next steps after Gov. Brown’s executive order

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Timber advocates search for next steps after Gov. Brown’s executive order
Timber advocates search for next steps after Gov. Brown’s executive order

This comes after Gov.

Kate Brown signed an executive order to fight climate change in Oregon Tuesday.

Tonight on governor kate brown executive order to cap greenhouse emissions.

Those against the governor plan are discussing what next in their fight against cap and trade.

Kezi 9 news reporter evita garza shows us why one activist in douglas county is frustrated by the governor decision.

Trt: 1:40 00:00 take lower?to me, it way too big of an issue to have decided by one person by a executive order?

Jim dudley says he trying to understand why governor kate brown made the quick decision to cap greenhouse emissions.

00:11 jim dudley, timber activist:?to me, it way too big of an issue to have decided by one person by a executive order?

He works for the swanson group, a large saw mill in douglas county.

And, he's a huge adovate for the timber industry.

Now, he and other timber act- ti -visits are discussing their next steps.?this is a very energy intensive industry.

Without some help, wee going to get pinched?

The executive order will require the department of environmental quality to cap emissions from transportation fuels, natural gas and industrial polluters.

But dudley say fossil fuels are the reason their industry exists.

And he believe governor brown plan will destroy their livelyhood.

00:58 evita:?dudley says he has nothing against gov.

Brown, but he believes her decision to sign the executive order is a slap in the face?

Other activists i spoke to say theye done everything he can to get legislators to understand their perspective.

Other than rallies, they say they had numerous discussions with legislators.

Phoner:?she says she listening but she not.

If she was, the 28 out of 36 counties woulde spoke loud and clear: dudley is disappointed the governor shifted the other way.?the unfortunate part is that it misguided intensions?

But he says they are not going down without a fight.

Reporting in roseburg, evita garza kezi 9

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