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Monday, June 17, 2024

Fort Wayne GM plant to suspend activities over Coronavirus

Credit: WFFT
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Fort Wayne GM plant to suspend activities over Coronavirus
Fort Wayne GM plant to suspend activities over Coronavirus
Fort Wayne GM plant to suspend activities over Coronavirus

Good evening ... i'm hunter petroviak thanks for joining us.tonight general motors announcing the suspension of operations in the in northeast indiana...the fort wayne g-m plant has four thousand workers who've been pushing for the factories to 55's chris mullooly is live outside the g-m plant and spoke to one worker.

Chris... what did she have to say?she says this should have happened a week ago...and is disappointed many will have to work late into next week..

In order to go home.

3 "well theyre ignoring everything pretty much"its a feeling this worker says many in the fort wayne general motors plant agree with... ignored... and now put in a health risk."you should see our facebook page people are screaming oh my goodnesss"the woman we spoke with doesn't want her name known... for fear of retaliation ...but she says the problem has gone on for too long"theres things in there that thaven't been clean in 35 years"she says workers have been complaining for weeks...the plant has four thousand working there... and haven't been given any direction.and her concern with covid 19... is much more serious than others.

"and i have a compromised immune system i have an autoimmune disorder"and says the decision to not suspend work right away.... but work through the next week..."it doesn't make sense to wait a week or two and shtu down if the crisis is right now why do we still have four thousand people touching allt hese things"and instead of slowing down...she says the comapny is ramping up production....putting the workers safety and health in the way."they have so many parts they're stockpiling there they know whats been coming on so they've been stockpiling all the parts you've geen giving they have so many supplies they dont know where to put them" the worker we spoke with says the plant will be closed this saturday... then work through the next week and close by the 28-th.we attempted to reach out to both union reps and communications officers with the plant..

And have not heard back.reporting live ... chris mullooly... fox 55 news.

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