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Global Edition
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Message of Hope: Father Patrick Baikauskas

Credit: WLFI
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Message of Hope: Father Patrick Baikauskas
Message of Hope: Father Patrick Baikauskas
Message of Hope: Father Patrick Baikauskas

Aquinas catholic church.

In the catholic church the fourth sunday of lent is laetare sunday which is latin for rejoice.

I suspect when people hear that it might seem like an odd thing.

What's there to rejoice about?

I've spoken to scores of our paritioners in the last couple of days talking to them on the phone and reaching out to them.

I sense in their voices when talking to them a great sense of hope.

Hope is something we are instilled with from the moment we're conceived and it's not a passive hope.

It's not a waiting for the kingdom to come it's recognizing that the kingdom is here and we're each called, we're each responsible for working for peace for justice for one another.

And in those voices, in those conversations i've heard great hope.

Thanks for joining us.

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