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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

April is Genocide Awareness Month thanks to work of local religious and political leaders

Credit: WLFI
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April is Genocide Awareness Month thanks to work of local religious and political leaders
April is Genocide Awareness Month thanks to work of local religious and political leaders

Rabbi Michael Harvey and State Rep.

Chris Campbell worked to pass the resolution through the Indiana Statehouse this legislative session

Of april.

April is now "genocide awareness and prevention month" in the state of indiana.

Rabbi michael harvey from temple israel has been working on this for about a year.

State representative chris campbell worked to pass the resolution this legislative session..

April has several tragic milestones in it.

Including the rwandan genocide and holocaust remembrance days.

Rabbi harvey says this sends a message to those around the world who want to make indiana their home.

"it's to let people know that we as a state of indiana, acknowledge that, we welcome these people, it gives an idea about how to welcome refugees to say this is a place of safe haven that people can come and live and work it also sets up ways for students to be educated on genocides and what can be done to prevent them.

He hopes people will become more aware of history so that it doesn't repeat itself.

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