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Friday, June 14, 2024

Senate Republicans pressure Gov. Brown to lift restrictions on rural Oregon counties

Credit: KDRV
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Senate Republicans pressure Gov. Brown to lift restrictions on rural Oregon counties
Senate Republicans pressure Gov. Brown to lift restrictions on rural Oregon counties

Senator Herman Baertschiger, R-Grants Pass, has asked the Governor to lift coronavirus restrictions on some counties in Oregon that have seen fewer cases.

The state on the parts man baertschiger --- what have your conversations your what have your conversations been like with governor brown --- you mentioned a new normal --- what does a new normal you mentioned brown --- governor been like with conversations your what have --- baertschiger herman senator leader, republican senate republican leader, senator herman baertschiger --- what have your conversations been like with governor brown --- you mentioned a new normal you mentioned brown --- governor been like with conversations your what have --- baertschiger herman baertschiger --- what have your conversations been like with governor brown --- you mentioned a new normal --- what does that look like --- what

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