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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Rochester Downtown Alliance wants you to safely explore the Med City

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Rochester Downtown Alliance wants you to safely explore the Med City
Rochester Downtown Alliance wants you to safely explore the Med City

The organization is encouraging people to head downtown for activities, all while maintaining social distancing.

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While many are staying at home during the coronavirus pandemic, the rochester downtown alliance is encouraging people to explore the med city.

Live kimt news three's zach gilleland is live in downtown rochester, and joins us with the latest.xx downtown rochester looks a lot different than what you'd expect during rush hour.

As the pandemic continues, the rochester downtown alliance is encouraging people to get out and safely explore their city.xx with governor tim walz stay home order, many are looking for things to do outside in the spring.

The downtown alliance says you don't have to be confined to your house, and have mapped out many ways you can get some fresh air, while maintaining social distancing.

Director of content and communication s katie adelman encourages you to explore downtown.

"our art walk that's been around for a while, there's 53 different works of art that you can go find in the downtown area.

You can still go to one of our parks, getting out on those trails, downtown has a couple of miles worth of trail."

With the ongoing covi?

19 pandemic, large public gatherings are banned..adelma n notes it has been tough on them as an organization.

"it's been difficult and downtown, you know we've seen obviously a drop in people going downtown because of the stay at home order."

While outdoor events are cancelled, the downtown alliance is scheduling events online.

Adelman is hopeful people will get out and see what the city has to offer them.

"this is something that no one has experienced so to still have that social interaction, obviously keep a safe distance is highly important."

And she stresses the importance of staying safe while you're out.

"as long as you keep the safe social distance at six foot and obviously adelman encourages people to explore the med city, but if you don't feel safe going out, stay indoors.

Live in rochester, zach gilleland, kimt news three.// thanks zach.

Governor walz stay home order runs until may fourth.

No word yet on if it

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