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Monday, June 17, 2024

Iowa leaders push for more Covid-19 testing

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Iowa leaders push for more Covid-19 testing
Iowa leaders push for more Covid-19 testing

Governor Reynolds says people are signing up in droves to get tested thanks to the state's new test initiative.

Why./// it's a goal shared across the nation and the globe: get as many people tested for covi?19 as possible.

In the hawkeye state... the new tes?

Iowa initiative is getting an overwhelming response.

Kimt news three's nick kruszalnicki is live in mason city to explain?


Xxx katie and george?

States have been using test data to make big decisions on how they fight the virus.

Crucial decisions like when to reopen businesses hinge on the increase or decrease of cases.

Iowa is now going into high gear to get the answers they need... and it all starts here on the test iowa website.

Xxx "iowans are engaged and they're excited."

Governor kim reynolds says residents of the hawkeye state are signing up in droves to get tested.

"more than 8?

Thousand completed the online assessment and more than 250 scheduled an appointment."

Getting signed up is pretty simple.

You just head to test iowa dot com and click on start now.

The assessment includes questions about your personal information?

Prexisting conditions?

And if you're experiencing or have been exposed to anyone with symptoms. your answers determine whether or not you need to be tested.

The website will let you select a time and place to get the test done.

Your results will show up in an email in around 72 hours.

According to the governor, word about the website is spreading fast.

"we had 631 social media mentions of the hash tag test iowa challenge with a reach of over 18 point 8 million."

Brian hanft, director of ?

G public health also mentioning the mass testing efforts?

Saying the process is quick and easy.

"we encourage everyone to visit test iowa dot com to and if you're worried about the test being painful in any way.

I can assure you?

I have had the test done myself and it was nothing but a simple throat swab and it was all over in a few seconds.

Live in mason city?

Nick kruszalnicki kimt news 3./// thanks nick.

The test iowa dot com website has only been online for 24 hours?

Garnering an incredible response in a

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