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Global Edition
Monday, June 10, 2024

Salon REAX

Credit: WCBI
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Salon REAX
Salon REAX

Even with all of the re openings scheduled for this week, salons and barber shops remain closed.

Even with all of the reopenings scheduled for this week, salons and barber shops remain closed.

While they're ready to open, there's no word on when they will be able to do so..

Quentin smith speaks with local salon owners..

He joins us in the studio with more on their reaction scott, the ones i spoke with have mixed responses.

Many stylists and shops are ready to serve their customers and help their bottom line... but one owner says she can't put money over the health and safety of her clients.... now she's re- thinking whether to stay closed for good... inside shades'n company hair and nail salon... clippers are no longer buzzing....nail polish remains untouched... and chairs continue to sit empty as workers wait for announcement on when they can re- open.

" it's been pretty tough because just because we're not working and we're not opening, that doesn't mean our bills stop."

The salon has been closed for more than a month... "if we don't work, we don't get paid."

Victoria dawkins is a nail tech at the salon.

She never imagined being out of work for this long.

" i have three kids i have to take care of, and these past six weeks, nothing, because the unemployment stuff is hard to get if you are self- employed."

Dawkins believes salons can and should be allowed to resume business as normal, as long as they're implementing safety measures.

Her plan would include no more than three clients inside at one time, workers must wash their hands before and after dealing with each wash their hands before and after dealing with each customer, and chairs would be cleaned and disinfected, along with other supplies people come in contact with.

" we are held at a higher standard anyways when it comes to sanitation rules and regulations.

I feel like, not that we are more sanitized than other people, but it just feels like he's not giving us a chance to get back out there like everybody else."

However, for tammy carlisle, who owns minerva salon and gallery in starkville, says the biggest challenge she sees is not being able to practice social distancing.

" stylists cannot, you cannot get a haircut from 6 feet away obviously, it's just not possible.

It's 50-50, you're sort of damned if you do, and damned if you don't.."

Now, carlisle is contemplating a big decision.

" trying to decide whether or not to stay closed or reopen."

Carlisle says wants to re-open but she also wants to do so in a safe manner while following cdc guidelines.

"a lot of people are making it about money and i just don't think it's that cut and dry.

I want to know more about the numbers.

I want to wait and see what the data says, i want to listen to the scientist and see where they are sharing with the world about precautions."

Governor tate reeves plans to reopen the state in phases.

Barber shops and salons will re- open in phase 4.

Right now we're just entering into phase two.... take

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