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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Dr. Deanna Brown of Susong Dermatology & CHI Memorial warns of melanoma skin cancer as summer nears

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Dr. Deanna Brown of Susong Dermatology & CHI Memorial warns of melanoma skin cancer as summer nears
Dr. Deanna Brown of Susong Dermatology & CHI Memorial warns of melanoma skin cancer as summer nears

Dr. Deanna Brown of Susong Dermatology & CHI Memorial warns of melanoma skin cancer as summer nears

Believe it or not it's summer is almost here.

It's not too far away course, we have memorial day weekend was right around th corner.

The traditional kickoff for summer.

You need to take care of your skin as you get it outdoors.

More and more.

Doctor deanna brown is here.

Doctor brown is a dermatologist masseuse on dermatology and on staff at chi doctor deanna brown good morning morning.

Tell us a couple of things that we may be taking for granted as we get into warmer here more sunshine.

Some things we need to be doing as a proactive basis for preventing skin cancer.

We know that all the answers.

I had an association with ace essay ultraviolet care center that can decrease your risk answer is to protect herself and needing to stay inside.

Once you i me the outdoors protectors mart.

I definitely wearing sunscreen to first think about yet.

50 that realign every couple of hours and that wearing and wearing uv protection and is actually even more effective way of stature and sell 50 on matt and protected as well.

Talking about your talking about spf in the course you can get it at all.

Strange as it spf 30 and above what's better the lotion or the spray as a question, so i think for the most part the lessons are getting better but for the best because people are not on selling uses for a reall land the wasted 90 day and then use that spray to make it back to the lotion ascending get it on their land.

You know some of the skin cancers and i guess it's something you can educate us on all skin cancers are not the same.

There's a variety of different skin cancers, and if you do develop it or someone in your family does, it is vitally ported to know which time can you elaborate on the absolutely most common type of cancer.

Hazel carson, there's that there's over 4,000,000 of those dying in the ninth every year.

Those generally early.

They're just taking care of) locally on the in very very little risk in writing.

Where else in the cell carcinomas.

The second most common site in an alien is here is still usually easily treated but they have they have a higher spreading to other parts by melanoma.

Melanoma is different.

Be cell melanomas there there, much less commonly not 200,000 a year in much more likely to other parts of the body.

Those are not early that that five-year survival rate drop as well as 40 to 60 percent you have a melanoma that is muc more coming up this friday is the 20 second cold.

Don't try to get out and encourage son safety and son awareness.

Remind everyone to protect their skin while outside at a lot of times easier for get putting on some sunscreen alarms began to go ou just for a couple of hours but it's repeated exposure like that the gives us greatest risk for developing some of the type of skin cancers ... correct.

So, we know that the burns and low-level signings, leisure years, there is texas i charlie to skin cancer melanoma.

In particular, it ... type of sign damage that that stance is that night.

Also, we wanted to bring up the seventh annual melanoma run.

This is the elizabeth's out room melanoma 5 and walk was on thursday.

It was scheduled to be in april.

Obviously we couldn't do it.

This was been moved up to the fifteenth and the telus again doctor brown why the sword order for us to get out and attend annual i mentioned, and every year we have a better and bette turnout and sell all kinds that are generated by melanoma those words the people here in our ch memorials program.

Fortunately, a part of that where we have a multidisciplinary board, physicians, nurse is caregivers.

Here we are.

We are all looking out looking for ways that put 10 do more research and just provide those resources like social care networks working with patients and providers answer is it's been such an out every year i and really really great start towards doctor deanna brown.

Thank you so much for joining us and if you have any questions for doctor brown.

She is masseuse on dermatology and their 20 2051 hamel road, easy to find at memorial north park.

All you have to do is go to sue song for that issue is.

So when she turned the yard in the thank you again doctor be around.


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