What your Myers-Briggs personality type says about you
What your Myers-Briggs personality type says about you

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a self-reported test that is designed to identify people’s personalities and preferences.Here’s what your personality type says about you.ISTP's are independent and ISFP's are kind and friendly.ISFJ's enjoy structure and ISTJ's think practically .INFJ's are highly sensitive to how others feel and INFP's are mediators.INTJ's are highly creative and INTP's are quiet and analytical.ESTP's are action-oriented and ESTJ's work to maintain the status quo.ESFP's are spontaneous and ESFJ's are very tender-hearted.ENFP's are charismatic and ENFJ's are considered the strongest “people person” type.ENTP's enjoy debating and ENTJ's are natural leaders