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Uncorked: Anniversary - August 13, 2020

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Uncorked: Anniversary - August 13, 2020
Uncorked: Anniversary - August 13, 2020
Join Scott and Bobby as they celebrate Uncorked's one year anniversary!

Hey everyone, bobby and i are celebrating a big milestone here at uncorked bobby, tell em what we're celebrating today.

We're celebrating our one year.

It does not feel like a year has gone by already.

We have had so much fun.

We've talked about tailgating and wines, summer slippers, hot dogs and wine, and we talked about so much.

Oh, halloween candy and wine.

We've been through so much together.

So alright, so to celebrate, of course we've got to start with bubbles.

Yes, always.

So this is from our women in wine that we filmed in march during women's history month, so this is maysara.

It's the perfect thing to cheers to us having one year right.

Cheers to you what's a little bit of this right behind her?

So she if you remember her parents came over from let's say it was iran on the motorcycle yeah, yes.


Cuz almost asked that a while ago and i was like remember this isn't the one that is?

Yeah i remember how she was eight months pregnant at the winemaker now.

Tamina love it.

I love it.

All right and then my favorite that i picked for us to celebrate with was the love you bunches wine.

Yes, we featured this one a few times with the hot dogs.

With our santa barbara episode.

This is the carbonic sangiovese ad okay, so fresh line.

We love you bunches by stolpman vineyards.

Sarah hedges.

We've heard us mention her a lot as well.

So this is one of our favorite searches.

So this one is from red mountain ava in washington state.

This is her syrah.

This is the descendant illegible dupont, which if you remember her mom came from champagne france, which is where tom hedges her dad met her mom, which is why they're owed to her is the french design on the bottle.

And i love the french design and the end the french name.

It's gorgeous.

It's absolutely gorgeous.

All right, and to celebrate.

Bobby brought something special.

Yes, i'm excited about this wine.

I don't know how we've gotten away so long without featuring greek wines yet because there's some of my absolute favorites.

This is a rose of xinomavro from greece and this is my alfa estate.


So you heard it from bobby.


First we're going to have an episode of greek wines.


All right, so excited.

Well, we're gonna celebrate till next time everyone.


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