Eating disorder coach encourages teens to eat their 'fear food' in inspiring TikTok
Eating disorder coach encourages teens to eat their 'fear food' in inspiring TikTok

Lindsay Ronga is an eating disorder specialist who has recently joined TikTok.

Ronga founded body and food freedom coaching program OutshiningED.On TikTok, Ronga has nearly 11,000 followers and more than 304,000 likes across all of her videos.she posted a video on August 10, in which she eats her “fear food” and encourages others struggling with an eating disorder to do the same.In eating disorder recovery, a “fear food” is something that is scary or hard to eat.Ronga said that the idea for the video came to her while she was eating a piece of chocolate chip banana bread, one of her own former fear foods.The idea of Ronga’s video is to encourage anyone struggling with an eating disorder to work on normalizing their fear foods so eventually they become “just foods”.her recording is meant to serve as a comforting crutch, as a reminder that progress is possible'.many TikTokers have taken to the comments to share that Ronga’s video inspired them to eat their fear foods.

Several users have also dueted Ronga’s video.“It’s really special to witness this," Ronga said