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Monday, June 3, 2024

ADPH Discusses College Coronavirus Cases

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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ADPH Discusses College Coronavirus Cases
ADPH Discusses College Coronavirus Cases

Local Leaders Have Questioned Whether Numbers are Being Skewed by College Students

Robinson smith.

And im megan reyna.

During the past week local leaders have questioned if coronavirus numbers are being skewed by college students returning to campus.

We learned the alabama department of public heath is working to count those students in the county they attend school - and not their home county or state.

Waay 31's sydney martin learned more about the change and why it's important when identifying possible hotspots.

Karen landers, alabama department of public health "some of their data is going to be reported in another county or can sometimes be picked up in another state.

" dr karen landers with the alabama department of public health told me they're consulting with the council of state and territorial epidomoligsts on how to count coronavirus cases contracted by students on college campuses.

Karen landers, alabama department of public health "it really points to being able to report cases by jurisdiction of where the person lives for most of the year."

Landers told me since that should be the area where the student goes to school, counting them in a county where their family lives which might be their listed permanent address wouldn't be accurate.

Karen landers, alabama department of public health "as we continue to have cases in colleges where there could have been potential exposure using the address that student gives us from that college so that will give us the jurisdiction of where they were at the time they were exposed."

She explained having their college address makes investigating possible hotspots easier..

Karen landers, alabama department of public health "if we have multiple cases linked to an entity college campus whether that be a fraternity or sorority house.

Something like that we are still going to investigate that as an outbreak.

" "landers said the

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