Woman draws ‘ridiculous’ response after planning her boyfriend’s birthday party
Woman draws ‘ridiculous’ response after planning her boyfriend’s birthday party

A girlfriend wants to know if she was inadvertently rude to her boyfriend’s friends.She went on Reddit’s “Am I the A******” to see if she mishandled things.When it was time to celebrate her boyfriend’s birthday, she offered to pay, at his request, for him and his sister’s dinner at an expensive steakhouse.However, the gift became the issue when the sister felt like the girlfriend should have offered to pay for all of his friends too.“Now my BF’s sister is calling me an a****** for not offering to pay for more people to join my bf’s dinner...”.“... And that I shouldn’t be making reservations at places I know the majority of his friends won’t be able to afford”.Reddit users didn’t think she did anything wrong.“Easy to be a big spender when it is on someone else’s dime,” someone said