TikToker shares genius sticker removal hack
TikToker shares genius sticker removal hack

Lexie Byers racked up over 5 million views on a videoin which she demonstrated the ultimate shoppinghack that she learned from her mom.“I have a life hack that is going to blow yourmind,” Byers says at the beginning of the video.“Anything with a sticker tag, STOP PEELING IT OFF”.Instead, Byers takes a piece of tape andsticks half of it on top of the sticker, reallyrubbing it in to make sure it’s secure.Then, she “waxes” the sticker off using theloose end of the tape that isn’t attached.Byers then demonstrates the techniquewith several other cups, all with the same pieceof tape and never leaving any residue behind.TikTokers could relate to the struggleof removing these pesky stickers.“The amount of hours that I’ve sat going to WARwith these,” one person commented on the video.“I usually just soak them in water,”another added.

“But this is helpful”.For those who have more stubborn price stickersto deal with that can’t get wet, using a hairdryerwill loosen the glue beneath the sticker